Alux Framework
ALUX is a Lightweight Framework (25K) for Creating Super-Fast and Beautifully Responsive Web Apps.

Responsive Slider

Flexbox Gris System

Dropdown Menu
Mi sono occupato di:
Functionalities Planning
+ Development & Testing
+ Relations Management (with Siema Slider developer)
Tecniche utilizzate:
Html/ Css + Javascript (Vanilla) + Sass
Visita il Sito:
ALUX is a Lightweight Framework (25K) for Creating Super-Fast and Beautifully Responsive Web Apps.
The Framework is built with HTML/CSS and pure Javascript.
Dependencies Free, no jQuery but with a wide range of features:
Grids, Sliders, Menus, Animations, Typography, Forms, Buttons & more.
The goal of this project was create the smallest framework possible (to maximize the performances) with a solid base of useful features.
ALUX is perfect to build single view Applications using React.js or Angular.js.
The Framework use a Flexbox Grid System base on % values. The grid use classes to define column widths.
Example: to set a column 50% of the screen width use the CSS class .col-50
Other Features are: Sliders, Menus, Animations, Typography, Forms & more..
Discover all the features here:
Watch ALUX in action here: One Page Landing – Home with Slider