Create an animated landing page layout with Wow.js

By Andrea Marchetti

Create an animated landing page layout with Wow.js

Today we create an awesome landing page with Wow.js. Wow it’s a javascript plug-in that allows you to create a fancy animations in a web page.

There are many effects available, Fade, Bounce […] implemented using animate.css

How it Works

Applying the class “wow” plus the animation class ( for example “fadeInLeft”) to a element, you set the animation.

<div class="wow fadeInLeft"> […] </div>

The animation starts when the element enter in the viewport.


Link the javascript file:

<script src="js/wow.min.js"></script>

Link animate.css file:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/animate.css"/>


Set up a basic html with the wow classes:

<div class="cop">
<div class="call-to wow bounceInUp">



<div class="panel" id="panel-1">
<div class="box-left wow fadeInLeft">


<div class="box-left wow fadeInLeft">



<div class="panel" id="panel-2">



Note: this code sets a Bounce animation (on call-to elements), a Fade animation (on the box left elements).

For all the effects available visit:

Experiment and make tests is the right way to create a cool effect.


Add the style required:

.cop{float:left; width:100%; height:100%;display: block; background: #eee;position: relative}
.cop p{width:40%; padding-left:40px;line-height: 24px;color:#666}

.panel{float:left; width:100%; height:auto;display: block; background: #333;position: relative;margin:0;padding:0;}

.call-to{position: absolute; width:400px; height:500px; bottom:0;right:100px; background:#26c6da}
.call-to h2{color:#fff; text-align: center; font-weight: 300; font-size: 50px}

#panel-1{background: #72d572}

.box-left{background: #5677fc; width:30%;position: relative;left:10%;margin: 40px 0 40px 0;}

#panel-2{padding-top:100px;background: #eee;}

.box-center{background: #f06292; width:70%;position: relative;left:15%;}

#panel-3{background: #fff;padding-top:300px;}

.box-end-right{background: #ffc107; width:400px;right: 0; position: absolute}
.box-end-left{background: #ffc107; width:400px;left:0; position: absolute}
.end{text-align: center; font-size: 50px}


Initialize the plug-in:


var wow = new WOW({
offset:100, // distance to the element when triggering the animation (default is 0)
mobile:false // trigger animations on mobile devices (default is true)



To make the structure responsive we add two media queries, one for tablet:

@media (max-width: 1023px) {

.call-to{width:300px; height:340px;}

.end{font-size: 30px}


and one for smartphone:

@media (max-width: 767px) {

.cop p{width:70%;}



.box-end-right{width:300px;position: relative;width:100%}
.box-end-left{width:300px;position: relative;width:100%}


The result is an awesome responsive structure, check the demo below and download the code.

Stay Tuned!

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